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Corena Hammer
Sep 10, 20232 min read
Why Your Colleagues Take Our Yoga Training for Mental Health Therapists
Mental health professionals have been trained in traditional therapeutic approaches, yet as the evidence based research comes forward...
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Corena Hammer
Nov 3, 20224 min read
Yoga and Mental Health: How Yoga Helps Trauma, Depression and 3 Other Mental Health Issues
BY LIZETTE BORRELI for Newsweek Updated | Yoga can help quiet the mind, alleviating the worries and stress that plague our day-to-day...
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Corena Hammer
Oct 28, 20217 min read
Yoga: A Healing Art in a Psychotherapy Context
By: Teresa Bennett-Pasquale, MSW, LSW Trauma in the Body and the Mind I was fortunate enough to hear Dr. Bessel van der Kolk,...
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Corena Hammer
Aug 2, 20212 min read
Harvard Research on Yoga and the Stress Response
Updated: October 13, 2020 Research suggests that this practice modulates the stress response. Since the 1970s, meditation and other...
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Corena Hammer
Apr 15, 20214 min read
Adrenal or Pandemic Fatigue?
Here are the 10 most common signs that tell you that you’re experiencing either adrenal overdrive, pandemic or adrenal fatigue: You’re...
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